Conjure Roundup (pt. 2)

Hoodoo Herb and Root Magic: A Materia Magica of African-American Conjurecatherine yronwode (Lucky Mojo Curio Co, 2002) yronwode is the proprietor of Lucky Mojo Curio, Co. and a well known exponent of the conjure arts. In this book she provides a useful A-to-Z listing of commonly used herbs, minerals,...

Quick Takes: Crowley In India

Continuing his in depth examinations of Aleister Crowley’s travels, Tobias Churton turns his attention to Crowley’s travels in India. Like his earlier works The Beast In Berlin and Aleister Crowley In America, Churton draws on extensive research and includes previously unpublished excerpts from Crowley’s journals made during his travels....

Runic Book of Days

Runic Book of Days: A Guide to Living the Annual Cycle of Rune MagickS. Kelley Harrell, foreward by Nigel Pennick(Destiny, 2018) Aligning runes to the calendar has a long and rich history. From that tradition and building on the work of Freya Aswyn and Nigel Pennick, Harrell develops a...

Conjure Roundup (Pt. 1)

Conjure and Hoodoo form a rich tapestry that is North American folk magic. It is a diverse and rich tradition primarily of the American South and Appalachia. It is one handed down in community and through family tradition. The works reviewed here set out personal experiences with the traditions...