Burroughs-ian Gnosticism: In His Own Words

By Sven Davisson From the Archives Ashé Journal, Vol 4, Issue 3, 469-483, Fall 2005. Burroughs explicitly linked his philosophy to Manichaeism—a third century Persian religion.  Manichaeism was founded by a young preacher, Mani, in the early to mid third century of the common era.  Mani was heavily influenced by Gnostic Christianity—calling himself a “disciple of […]

The Erotic Mikva

by Jay Michaelson From the Archives Ashé Journal, Vol 5, Issue 1, 66-83, Winter/Spring 2006. According to the second-century Alphabet of Ben Sira, the mystic who gives the text its name was conceived when the prophet Jeremiah’s daughter bathed in a mikva in which her father had ejaculated earlier that day.  Ben Sira was thus a child of […]

Buddhist Influence on Aleister Crowley

by Dead Jellyfish From the Archives Ashé Journal #3.1, 2004. “Do what thou wilt is the whole of the Law, there is no Law beyond do what thou wilt.” In examining the doctrines and teachings of the majority of modern occult traditions one finds themes relating to Aleister Crowley recurring quite frequently. These schools of […]

Recollections of Srila Prabhupada in Hawaii, 1976

Letter from Syamasundara dasa From the Archives Ashé Journal #2.3, 2003. Please accept my best wishes, and most humble obeisances. All glories to His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. Where would any of us be had He not so mercifully come to the West? What would any Westerner know about Krishna, Vrindavan, the Maha […]

The Rise & Fall of Rajneeshpuram

by Sven Davisson From the Archives Ashé Journal, Vol 2, Issue 2, 2003. Seeing Red In Cattle Country The Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh (later known simply as Osho) was born Chandra Mohan in the village of Kuchwada in the Indian state of Madhya Pradesh on 11 December 1931. Due to the grace with which the young boy […]