An Asceticism of Being

Foucault & the Epistemology of Self, Post Modernity by Sven Davisson From the Archives Ashé Journal #1, 2002. I pay homage to the guru, the divine friend, Mahatma Guru Shri Paramahansa Shivaji, Osho, Baba-ji The mental focus of the past several decades, in the West, has been marked by a heightened quest for essence, sometimes […]

Magick and Photography

by Douglas Grant From the Archives, Ashé Journal #2.3, 2003. The magical implications of photography first appeared with the introduction of modern man and his technology into the world of primitive man. To this day, when a camera is introduced into some primitive cultures, the natives immediately disperse for fear that their souls will be […]


Genesis Breyer P-Orridge Lady Jaye Breyer P-Orridge 3/23/03 From the Archives Ashé Journal #2.3, 2003. (S/HE IS HER/E) This is the final war, a jigsaw A war to re-possess your SELF. There is NO gender anymore Only P-Androgeny is divine. Sexuality is a force of nature that cannot be contained. Get up. Stand together in […]

Zimbu Xototl Time

by Phil Hine (paintings by Toshi) From the Archives, Ashé Journal #2.3, 2003. William S. Burroughs’ 1969 novel The Wild Boys introduces several themes into the author’s magical universe: the struggle to escape the mechanisms of social control; the search for transcendence of the biological trap of duality, and the narrator’s ability to rewrite (and thereby destroy) […]