Zorba the Buddha, Urban (Review)

Despite the ubiquity of news coverage in the 1980s, the Osho-Rajneesh movement’s experiment in building a spiritual city out the Oregon desert has for the most part receded from the national memory. It is little more than a quirky footnote to the history of Reagan’s American. There remain a...

Eat Sleep Sit by Kaoru Nonomura

Eat Sleep Sit: My Year at Japan’s Most Rigorous Zen Temple Kaoru Nonomura, Juliet Winters Carpenter (translator) Published in English by Kodansha, 2015 At the beginning of a successful career, the author decided to enter a Buddhist monastery. Putting everything else on hold, he entered the priestly training program...

An Esoteric Roundup

In Ashé’s hiatus several remarkable works of modern occult publishing have made their way to my desk. I would be remorsefully remiss if I did not acknowledge, with gratitude, the kindness of the publishers for sending them to the Journal. The Dragon Book of Essex Andrew Chumbley (XOANON, 2014)...

The Source Family

THE SOURCE: The Untold Story of Father Yod, YaHoWha 13, and The Source Family Isis Aquarian and Electricity Aquarian Process Media, 2007 “The Source Family” (film, 2012) Jodi Wille and Maria Demopoulous Jim Baker founded some of the nation’s first health food restaurants. Opening in the late sixties, the Source...