Occult Paris & Crowley In America—Two by Churton

I am just now catching up on two works by prolific occult historian Tobias Churton: Occult Paris and Aleister Crowley in America. Having long been an admirer of Churton’s work—his Gnostic Philosophy and Invisible History of the Rosicrucians are important contributions to the field—I was looking forward to these two volumes making it to the top of […]

Two Poems, Megan E. Freeman

We Will Meet Under The Bodhi Tree Two blocks north the Zen center stretches in a sun salutation. One block south the Fellowship blinks its sleepy doors to greet the coffee makers and flower arrangers. We buckle on our Mary Janes you tie your soft-soled shoes we toss the paper up the driveway and turn […]

Dream Evocations, Sudeep Adhikari

I shine like a radioactive isotope, on a day when the water is as dark as the primordial soup, mixed with few capsules of my forgotten nightmares. Dreams are awfully lonely. Add more mute stones and molten salts to make it your lonelier reality. We wait for the lights, we wait for the consolations we […]